Current Studies
- The Structure of Posttraumatic Arthritis Tissue that is Discarded after Surgical Resection (Sponsored by the University of Kentucky)
- Acute Measurement of GIRD in Baseball Pitchers
- Acute Presence of GIRD in Amateur and Professional Tennis Players
- Functional Outcomes of Post-Operative and Non-Operative Shoulder Patients
- Surgical Outcome of Patients with Medial Scapular Muscle Detachment
- Treatment of Adhesive Capsulitis of the Shoulder: A Multicenter Randomized Clinical Trial (Sponsored by ERMI, Inc.)
- A National Survey of Youth Baseball Pitchers Regarding Pitching Exposure and Elbow and Shoulder Problems (Sponsored by AOSSM)
- Association Among Pitching Variables, Elbow or Shoulder Injuries, and Structural Arm Differences in Youth Pitchers Seen in the Clinic (Sponsored by AOSSM)
Past Studies
Publications Pertaining to Shoulder Research
Review by Dr. Kibler, Dr. Dome and Dr. Hester.
Review by Dr. Kibler, Dr. Dome and Dr. Hester.